Silver Bullet – Technical Support

Do you have a question that you would like to ask our technical support staff?

>>Please take a look at our support forum to find a full list of Frequently Asked Questions.<<


  We pride ourselves on providing highly responsive, direct programmer-to-programmer technical support for the Ranger API.

Please note: End-users of Ranger-enabled products should contact their software provider (ISV) for assistance with the application. We will support the ISV development team directly as necessary.

Ask Silver Bullet

Fields marked with an * are required

Contact Information

Type *

Product Information

Product *

Version Information

On Windows, in the system settings navigate to Add or Remove Programs. There will be a Ranger version as well as a Ranger plug-in version.

Please provide the Ranger and plug-in versions in this section.

How Can I tell what version of Ranger I am using?

Ask us!

Please provide us with as much information as possible with your question.

If this is an issue you are running into during development, please list out all steps to reproduce the problem.

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